How to Read Weather Forecast Highs and Lows

Weather Reports audio icon and Quizzes

This page is most the language used when reporting the weather in English, with audio weather reports and comprehension quizzes.

Every radio and TV show, and many newspapers and websites, report the weather. They give weather forecasts (what they recall the weather will be in the future) and sometimes they written report on what the atmospheric condition has been in the past. Here are some typical expressions used in a atmospheric condition written report:

  • a high of twenty degrees
  • a depression of -25
  • xx percent chance of snow
  • mainly sunny
  • sunny with cloudy periods
  • tape high/low
  • higher up/below average temperatures
  • a few flurries
  • 5-day forecast
  • temperatures are going to driblet/dip (go down)
  • temperatures are going to plunge (rapidly get very common cold)
  • temperatures are going to rising/climb (become up)
  • temperatures are going to soar (quickly go very hot)
  • a warm/cold front is moving in (air from another region is arriving)

Listen to audio weather reports

Listen to the following weather condition reports. Listen again, and then answer the comprehension questions. You tin can read the transcripts to check your agreement.

Weather Written report 1 (like shooting fish in a barrel)

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This is CKNY and I'm Anita Pierce with weather. We couldn't enquire for a better twenty-four hours for the beginning day of Leap. Correct now it's fifteen degrees and clear. Nosotros're expecting bluish skies throughout the day. Though in that location is only a ten percent chance of showers, this adept weather condition can't last forever. It's raining cats and dogs upwardly north, so we should come across pelting by morning. Don't forget your umbrella tomorrow. Now, stay tuned for local news.

one. Which season does this weather report take place in?

two. What kind of day is it?

three. What is the temperature?

4. Tomorrow it will probably .

5. What does the weather reporter advise using?

Weather Study ii (medium)

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Hi, I'grand Jesse Williams. This is your weekend weather written report. This morning we're seeing sun with cloudy periods likewise as a few flurries. Right now I am at the peak of Mount Raven where information technology is plus ii and expected to rising to well-nigh 6 degrees by apex. Overnight temperatures volition probably driblet to at to the lowest degree minus seven. Tomorrow's forecast calls for more flurries with a high of zero and a low of minus twelve. With the wind chill factor, that could put us at a tape low of minus 20. Weather are perfect for skiing this weekend, but if you're heading out to the slopes tomorrow, please think to package up to avoid frostbite. We'll go dorsum to the newsroom now for a look at what'south in sports.

i. Which flavor would this atmospheric condition report most likely take place in?

2. Where is the atmospheric condition report taking place?

3. Which of the following is mentioned as part of tomorrow's forecast?

four. It volition feel then cold tomorrow because of the .

v. The weather reporter suggests that skiiers should .

Weather Report 3 (difficult)

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Skillful morning time, this is Alonzo Jacob with your Mon weather report. The heatwave that slowed everybody down this weekend is showing no signs of letting up this week. Our meteorologists suggest that today's temperature could climb to as high as 40 degrees Celsius by the late afternoon. Right now, just an hr afterwards sunrise, the temperature here at the airport is already 29 degrees. Nonetheless, there is relatively no humidity in the air, and then information technology feels quite comfy out hither at the moment. Unfortunately, there is also no pelting in the forecast for the next v days. This is bad news for the thirsty wood fires that are raging across the interior of our province. Looks similar setting upwards a tent in the backyard may be the only way to catch some sleep this evening if you lot don't have airconditioning. That's all for today'south weather. Stay tuned for the morning traffic written report.

1. Which season would this weather report well-nigh likely take place in?

two. Where is the weather condition study taking place?

3. What type of precipitation is forecasted for the calendar week?

four. The air feels so comfortable because at that place is .

v. What does the weather condition reporter suggest people exercise to stay cool?


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