Fictionhunt Harry Potter Watch Movies See Your Mother and Father Again

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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer'due south Stone Family unit

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Family unit

MCGONAGALL: Practise you lot think information technology wise to trust Hagrid with something equally of import as this?

DUMBLEDORE: Ah, Professor, I would trust Hagrid with my life.

Hagrid is Dumbledore's family, in deed if not in blood. That helps ascertain what this film thinks of family, and how it means far more just your blood relatives.

MCGONAGALL: Albus, practice you really retrieve it's safe, leaving him with these people? I've been watching them all day. They're the worst sort of Muggles imaginable. They really are...

DUMBLEDORE: The only family he has.

Here, Dumbledore is strongly emphasizing the ties of blood. Even though Harry's a black sheep (and worse) to the Dursleys, they're not most to turn him abroad, which is what Dumbledore needs.

HAGRID: Didn't think your mum and dad would leave you with nothing, now didja?

Glad to know the Potters were great fiscal planners. Coin solves some problems.

HARRY: But I've never even played Quidditch. What if I make a fool of myself?

HERMIONE: Y'all won't make a fool of yourself. It'due south in your blood.

RON: Whoa! Harry, you never told me your father was a Seeker too.

HARRY: I didn't know.

Just as Harry finds out about who he is during his kickoff year at Hogwarts, he likewise finds out who is his parents are—and in the case of Quidditch, where his identity and his parents' intersect.

HARRY: Alibi me! C-could you tell me how to—

MRS. WEASLEY: How to get on the platform? Yeah, non to worry, honey. It's Ron's first time to Hogwarts likewise. At present, all you've got to practise is walk straight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10. Best practice it at a bit of a run if you're nervous.

This is a chip of foreshadowing, indicating how much of a family unit the Weasleys will become to Harry. But it as well gives a glimpse of Ron's family, and more than importantly, shows what a kind woman his mother is.

RON: Happy Christmas, Harry.

HARRY: Happy Christmas, Ron. What are you wearing?

RON: Oh, Mum fabricated it for me. Looks like you've got one too!

HARRY: I've got presents?

RON: Yeah!

Harry's genuinely shocked that he actually has Christmas presents…which infers both that the Dursleys were an awful family to him, and that he'southward finding a newer, improve family at Hogwarts.

RON: Harry, do you recall this mirror shows the future?

HARRY: How can it? Both my parents are expressionless.

A bracing dose of reality in the confront of some powerful magic. Every bit much as Harry loves his mom and dad, they're gone…and he'due south wise enough to recognize it.

VOLDEMORT: Haha. Bravery. Your parents had it too. Tell me, Harry, would you like to see your mother and father again? Together, we can bring them back

The devil ever tempts yous with what yous desire the almost. In this example, he'due south offering Harry a family once more.

DUMBLEDORE: Harry, do y'all know why Professor Quirrell couldn't acquit to have you touch him? Information technology was because of your Mother. She sacrificed herself for you. And that kind of act leaves a marker. No, this kind of marking cannot be seen. Information technology lives in your very skin.

HARRY: What is it?

DUMBLEDORE: Love, Harry. Dear.

Mom loves you, Harry. Don't ever forget it.

DUMBLEDORE: And finally, information technology takes a great deal of bravery to stand up up to your enemies, merely a smashing deal more to stand up to your friends. I accolade 10 points to Neville Longbottom.

Just so we're articulate, Neville's part of this family unit too. And like all family members, he fights with his brothers and sister sometimes…though e'er for the right reasons.

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