What Can You Do for a Groin Hernia

It'south been a few years that I take been dealing with trying to heal my inguinal hernia with little to no progress at all. That is until recently. It'due south taken a few years of trial and mistake, and working through a bunch of other things that have been wrong with my body (read preceding posts) to become to this point, but I am now seeing Existent PROGRESS. I'one thousand actually shocked at the divergence that I am seeing and feeling, and how piece of cake it was to do what was necessary to start seeing the modify.

In my last mail service I showed 5 yoga moves that I was going to start doing to effort to facilitate the healing process. I started adding these special yoga moves to my daily yoga routine, and within nearly two weeks I started to notice a trivial difference in how often, and how far the hernia would poke out. I am at a signal at present where the hernia is rarely coming out. When it does, it is less than half the size of when it was at information technology's worst. In that location are a few factors that I think are in play here allowing me to heal my inguinal hernia that I will go through ane at a time.

Breathing Exercises

At this bespeak I think the master exercise that started making the difference in wether I tin can heal my inguinal hernia is the breathing exercise. It's basically an ab vacuum which is causing the transverse abs to strengthen the corset which holds all of the contents of the peritoneal sac (guts) in identify. Not but have I been doing this as role of my workouts, simply I have also been doing information technology while sitting at my desk-bound, when I exit of the shower, or whenever I recall about information technology.

Why Breathing Exercises?

When I was a trivial kid, I was e'er skinny, only I had a large abdomen that would stick out. Y'all tin can kind of see in the pictures below. (My younger blood brother is on the right in the first pic and has the same exact body type as me.)Heal My Inguinal Hernia My Natural Hernia Cure

I believe I take always had a weakness in my transverse abdominals. This is why my abdomen would stick out similar that. I believe I yet have this weakness today.  My stomach would stick out like that until I was about 12. Then I realized that it looked weird. I became self conscious and began holding it in. Only, when I started holding it in, I think I was using my rectus abdominis muscles (half dozen pack muscles) instead of using the transverse abs. I believe that this is what created the weakness in the inguinal canal which enabled the hernia to come up through in the commencement place. If I would have started doing exercises in my teens for the transverse abs, I don't call back I would accept developed the hernia in the first identify.

If you look at my tum now, it is not completely ripped, just I do accept a 6 pack. Nevertheless to this solar day though, if I let my stomach loose information technology will stick out, and my spine will bend in toward the front of my body. I believe that this is also why I have had back problems since I was xviii years former. In all of the workouts that I've been doing throughout the years, none of them focused on the transverse abs. They all focused on the rectus abdominis.

Positive Results

Now that I have been doing the ab vacuum, my abs are non equally loose as they were before when I'g not holding them in, and I can definitely feel the abdominal corset tightening and holding everything in place much better.

Change In Posture

The second thing I started doing doing was shifting my trunk weight from my heals onto the balls of my feet when standing or walking. I've recently made a friend that contacted me through this blog. We have been exchanging information about healing an inguinal hernia naturally. He recently sent me a PDF document that was about a guy who, to brand a long story short,  healed 2 hernias naturally through shifting his weight to the balls of his anxiety, belongings in the hernia with a homemade bandage system, and doing breathing exercises. I read information technology, and was very skeptical.

After I was washed reading, I went to look in the mirror while shifting my weight from my whole human foot to more on the balls of my feet, and I could instantly run into how it caused the bottom of my pelvis to roll forrad. It was essentially straightening the curve of my dorsum, tightening my obliques, pelvic floor, and transverse abs. It immediately took tons of pressure off of my lower back also.

Staying on the balls of my feet while waking or continuing

I decided I would requite it a shot for at least a calendar week and see what happens. The following few days I was on my feet all 24-hour interval doing carpentry work, while trying to keep my weight on the balls of my anxiety, even while walking. It took constant idea to maintain the posture, but I could feel that throughout the solar day, the pressure from the hernia wasn't actually in that location. When I did experience the pressure I would realize that I was on my heals. It is tiring subsequently a while to continue your weight on the balls of your feet just I've been doing this for about ten days at present and I'm really surprised at the affect that information technology'south had and then far.

Mental Shift

The tertiary affair that I believe is having a huge impact on if I tin heal my inguinal hernia has zilch to practice with the physical trunk, but with the mind. This might sound corny to some, merely I truly believe that my mental state was completely holding me back from existence able to heal my inguinal hernia naturally.

At the fourth dimension of my final post I was definitely at the lowest point mentally since I have had this hernia. I was almost ready to surrender and go get the surgery. For me, I think information technology was the fact that I was dependent on the hernia chugalug every mean solar day that was pushing me over the edge. Even though I've come up with a awesome hernia belt design that I've been using for a while with great success, I merely couldn't stand the thought of having to depend on information technology every day.

So, the solar day I wrote that post, something clicked, and I just decided that I am but going to have the fact that I was going to have to vesture it until I heal my inguinal hernia. That acceptance cleared the style for positive thoughts, and I was able to go it into my head that I will not stop until I effigy out how to fix this.

Philanthropy Mindset

With those positive thoughts came the thought of really helping other people manage their hernias by creating a product from the hernia belt that I designed and accept been using.  I started doing some work to get a test group together for this new hernia belt design (I call it the Condolement-Truss) to see if information technology volition really piece of work for people other than myself.

I ran a facebook ad and launched a landing folio with a signup sail and targeted agile people with inguinal hernias. The response was peachy. I talked to some of the people who were interested in testing it out, and realized that I am not the only ane that'south dealing with this. There are so many more people out there that are just like me. Active people who are not able to exercise the things that they love to practise because of abiding worry about their hernia. It wears on you lot. Every day, waking up thinking about it, thinking about it all twenty-four hours, going to bed thinking about it. Then all of the thoughts and worry about surgery, and being  self witting about information technology in the bedroom.

I never realized how much of a mental bear upon it was having until I started talking to others who are dealing with information technology too. It's pretty heavy, and can definitely take you to a shitty place mentally. If y'all are reading this, and are in that place right now, but know that you are non alone. If you need someone to talk to, arrive touch with me through this weblog and I'll exist happy to aid.


For me, the acceptance made all of that get away. I made the decision to opt out of surgery, and to heal my inguinal hernia naturally, and I'm sticking with it. The only fashion I tin do that is because I accept this hernia belt that allows me to put information technology on in the morning time, and not accept to think about it until I accept it off at dark. I tin can go surf, workout, paddle, run or whatever else. If I couldn't practice that I think I would've already given upwards and got the surgery.

The first batch of the Comfort-Truss were sent out to some of the test grouping. I can't wait to go some feedback to see if helps them or not. If all goes well, I'chiliad going to hook up with 1 of the hernia charities, similar Hernia International, who does gratis surgery for people in third world countries that have no pick for wellness care. I would requite 1 to them for every one that I sell. Many times these charities cannot get to every one that needs the surgery, and would be able to hand out a Comfort-Truss to the ones they can't get to, so at least they can manage the  hernia without information technology blowing out.

This style, I can take this bullshit ailment that I've had to deal with, and  turn it in to a positive by helping tons and tons of people who would take no selection but to bargain with information technology and possibly die from it.


I accept likewise started massaging the expanse to heal my inguinal hernia. For a long time I didn't like to impact the expanse where the hernia is because I idea if I just left information technology solitary it would heal better. I now remember that I was wrong. Lately, I take been massaging the whole area every other night when I lay downwardly in bed.

My Hernia Massage Technique

I utilise a lot of pressure and dig my fingers deep into the hole where the hernia is while laying on my back. Then I piece of work my way in increasingly bigger circles out to the edge and beyond. After I do that for a few minutes, I will identify my fingers in the pigsty and kind of drag my hand abroad toward my omphalus while exerting pressure on my fingertips. I envision myself pulling my intestines away from the pigsty. I do this for about x-15 minutes.

I've recently read that deep massage works well for this type of injury because it stimulates an inflammation response in the muscles. This puts your trunk into a state of awareness of the injury, which then allows your brain to release chemicals to start the healing process. Is this true? Who knows. I'one thousand not a scientist, but the results I'k seeing would suggest yep.

Dramatic Results

All of this has had a dramatic impact on my hernia, especially inside the concluding 2 weeks. For instance, this morning I woke up, ate some peanut butter and honey toast, went and did a Caveman Workout (throwing medicine assurance, flipping tractor tires, swinging sledge hammers, etc.), came home, ate a big breakfast, and drank a green juice. When I went to accept  a shower I took off the hernia belt, and there was cypher. No lump. No pressure. Null! It is evening as I write this, and take not felt pressure at all throughout the 24-hour interval. Only a few weeks ago as before long equally I got out of bed I would have a lump, pressure level, and would have to concur it with my hand until I put on the hernia belt. I'm not maxim it is definitely healed but……..

Right now I am feeling extremely positive about being able to heal my inguinal hernia!

I wanted to give a special cheers to Milo and Jeremy. These are 2 of the guys that contacted me nigh testing out the Comfort-Truss. Through making these connections it has really opened my eyes to the mental aspect of dealing with all of this. I hope nosotros can proceed to boot this hernia'southward donkey! I really hope that the hernia belt works out, and with your assist (and all the others testing it) nosotros will exist able to improve the lives of thousands of people who are suffering with trying to heal an inguinal hernia just like the states.


Source: https://mynaturalherniacure.com/heal-my-inguinal-hernia/

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